Don’t be fooled by Government scare tactics

Hi everyone – well the career space is constantly changing and particularly for government employees.  Following the Federal budget announcement that 16,500 government roles will be axed over the next three years, there has been a flurry of activity as public servants retire, resign, attempt to either gain a redundancy or move into other directions.

Of course this is what you are expected to do – these announcements occur regularly and so many employees resign or find other jobs, which means that the Government is on track to get rid of the jobs and they just don’t fill those that are made vacant. Natural attrition is the major plank of their strategy and so the work is done for them without too much effort. These scare tactics work very nicely but please don’t be fooled – you can still expect to see federal jobs being advertised regularly.

At the State Government level – well the freeze is over.  We are now back to business as agencies rush to advertise the many roles available, so visit the website to view what is on offer.  We can certainly assist you with writing the criteria and redeveloping the résumé if needed.

Stay tuned as we keep you informed about what is happening in the career arena and how to manage your job search efforts in both the private and public spheres.

Finally, we are looking to redevelop some of our publications into e-book format which you will be able to download directly from our website in the near future, at a reasonable cost.   Also, I am planning an exciting new venture that involves presentations on topics of interest around career-related strategies, as well as promoting more holistic information about positive mindsets and ways to change both personally and professionally.

You will be able to book me to attend and speak to audiences of up to 100 at a time, and I look forward to sharing ideas and strategies to support you in your quest for the best life possible.

Enjoy and please keep in touch.