Colette Kelly-Smith 0 0 JobsVolunteering April 8, 2016 10 reasons why every job seeker should volunteer Whether you're at school or university, a postgraduate, changing career, looking to fill a career…Read More
Colette Kelly-Smith 0 1 CareerMentoring April 5, 2016 The importance of seeking out a mentor at the start of your career The early months and years of your professional life are often the most fulfilling, but…Read More
Colette Kelly-Smith 0 0 CareerTips March 20, 2016 Investing in Your Career What does ‘investing in your career’ actually mean? It means you have to spend some…Read More
Colette Kelly-Smith 0 1 CareerStudents March 18, 2016 6 steps to a smooth transition from University to a Career University is a busy time, yet with so much going on it's important not to…Read More
Colette Kelly-Smith 0 0 Videos March 15, 2016 CU2 YouTube Channel We now have a YouTube Channel! Subscribe for regular tips about job seeking, career advice and more.Read More
Colette Kelly-Smith 0 0 Mentoring March 10, 2016 Reverse mentoring for digital dinosaurs Hi everyone- thought I would share this great article from the Financial Times and Wall…Read More
Colette Kelly-Smith 0 0 Interviews March 8, 2016 Interviewing is an art Given the current job climate, and the fact that it is an employer’s bonanza out…Read More
Colette Kelly-Smith 0 0 GovernmentJobs August 1, 2014 Don’t be fooled by Government scare tactics Hi everyone – well the career space is constantly changing and particularly for government employees. …Read More
Colette Kelly-Smith 0 0 JobsTips June 4, 2014 There is light at the end of the tunnel For all you job seekers, I do understand that things look bleak in terms of…Read More